Increase Your Winning By Evaluating Your Online Trade In Sample Sizes

Imagine how successful a banker will be if he thinks like a golfer. So, to make way in your online trading you have to think like a trader. The best way to do this is to train yourself by increasing your technical know-how on your chosen online trade.

Online trading involve risk. So, it is useful to make pre-evaluation of your probabilities of making a gain or loss.You have to do a pre-evaluation of your outcomes overtime by thinking in sample sizes. For instance you can analyse the result of say 30 trades rather than on 5 trades, a month rather than a week, 6 months and even a year.

Rather than looking your gain or loss for the day or week, why not look at it over a period of 20 days or month. For instance, how many trades do you win out of  60 trade.You may discover that in the first 15 trades you may loss 10 but over the next 60 trades you may win 40 which is a good trade. This will help you to know your advantage and calm your emotions and fear from trade to trade as well as help you to trade with more confidence and consistency. The sample size is a reflection of what is happening or the behavioural pattern of the online trade in question.
In a certain period during the online trading you may loss a string of trades say 5-10 trades repeatedly or one after the other. Meanwhile, there will also be a happy time where you will win 10 trade consecutively. All in all what is important is for you to discover a trading strategy that give you more winning than loss over a given period of time. With that you have no reason to be afraid over a string of lossing trades.

Trading in statistics or sample sizes will also help to overcome emotional risk associated with online trading like forex, fixed odds, sports e.t.c.
You have to know and abide by the following principles for you to avoid emotional stress and become less concerned about the outcome of individual trade and focus more on how it reflect in the set or sample size.

1. You either gain or loss

2.You don't need to know what is happening in the market after you place a trade

3.A gain is higher probability that your win is more than your loss

4.Every trade is important

5.Find a winning strategy

6.Demotrade for 6 months to really sure of your strategy, to know the behaviour of the market and to build your confidence especially if you are trading forex.

7.Start trading with little money

8.Don't think of making money in the short run but think of long term trading success. Think of where you will be in the next 5-10 years if you can master your trade.

9.Don't plan on surviving on the profit you are making in the short run. In other words,don't eat your profit as you are making it.

10.Set a future date when you will start eating from the fruit of your labour by paying yourself from the profit.

All in all, to trade in sample sizes means to know that gain and loss make up your set or trade, identify your strength and weakness, carry out your trade the same way everytime and ultimately analyze your trades in set and not individually. Doing this will help you to improve your online trading confidence and your winning strike. I have been using this strategy in my online fixed trade and it works.
